Thursday, July 28, 2016

Inspiration for the Beginner Quilter

This was the first time my niece sewed together her four patch quilt.  She showed quite a bit of effort and did so well with keeping her 1/4 inch seam allowance. Just like so many of us, we want someone to mentor us, help us and guide us.  When I started to quilt, I didn't have anyone by my side other than my computer and YouTube. I had to learn by making mistakes and still, I do make mistakes but I don't use the word. Instead I say, "...I made an ooops." Then of course, I go on and laugh about it and correct it. I used to constantly journal my progress but lately, I have not been writing as much as I should. I suppose being on a computer for 40 hours a week can take its wear on you and most of the time, I just look forward to my chair, the hoop and quilt to spend my down time after the days work.

Once my niece had this quilt top pieced it was slightly disproportional, so I offered to help her out. I took the quilt top back to my house and with a seam ripper in hand, I went to work taking out blocks from the bottom and sewing them to each side.  I also fixed a few seams.  After this was completed she was more than happy to get this quilt basted.  

Of course she had to learn what a quilt sandwich was. When I told her we were going to make a sandwich she simply stated that she wasn't hungry. I told her to always stay hungry; that is how you reach your goals. In any event, the picture below is her first pin basting lesson.  I know it meant so much to her for me to help her in this process but what I got out of it was more than I could rhetorically convey. It is an emotion like no other when you can pass a craft to another. A craft that is centuries old and at one time, more utilitarian than decorative. I do say that the first time I stepped back and looked at the first quilt I made, I was in awe and humbled.  This time, to teach someone and pass the secrets and techniques was beyond inspirational. I hope I could do this again with others because there is nothing more rewarding then teaching and spending quality time with another human being.

Myself - Lisa and my niece - Genna    5/1/2016

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